Guide To Becoming A Stand-Up Comedian

Who do you think you are? Some sort of comedian? We all like a laugh, and there’s no better feeling than making other people laugh. If you’ve got funny bones…

10 Wardrobe Essentials Every Man Should Own

Different styles suit different people, but there are a few wardrobe staples that should be in every man’s wardrobe. To get you sorted, here’s a quick check list to make…

10 Reasons Why You Should Start MMA

If you’re finding yourself looking for a new challenge, then why not consider MMA (Mixed Martial Arts)? As the world’s fastest growing sport, there are MMA gyms now in nearly…

Warning! The 5 Most Dangerous Types of Women!

The dating world is full of surprises: some great, some not so great. What we want to do is to give you a few warning signs of some of the…